Inventing a suitable ultrasonic mist maker

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Name: Ravindu Jeewaka
Grade: 11
School: Royal College, Colombo 7
Innovation: Inventing a suitable ultrasonic mist maker

Mushroom cultivation is challenging due to the sensitivity of mycelium and the fruiting body. Temperature, Humidity, light, and gravity are the concerns. To optimize growth within a tropical climate, maintaining high humidity (80% – 92%) and low temperature (24° – 27°) is essential. 

Mist makers can improve the mushroom harvest.

Mist makers can be used to increase the Humidity in the growing house. These devices use ultrasonic vibrations to create a fine mist that is dispersed into the air, raising the Humidity level to the desired range. 

EcoBin System

Name: D.M.P. Uvindu Bandara P. Dassanayaka
Grade: 11
School: Royal College, Colombo 7
Innovation: EcoBin System

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Code Guide

  1. When the program starts, the robot moves forward with the gripper open. (Going to collect object)
  2. When the hand is placed above IR sensor robot must stop and close the gripper. (Collecting object)
  3. When the hand is raised again robot moves forward with the closed gripper. (Moving with collected object)
  4. When the hand is placed above the IR sensor again, the robot stops and opens the gripper. (Dropping object)
  5. Return to 1.

on start
    close gripper


    read IR sensor value

    if IR == LOW

turn off motors

if gripper is open
close griper
else if gripper is closed
open gripper

wait 3 seconds


turn on motors

end if;

end loop;